About This Game Forgotten and lost to time, a mysterious entity known as The One has awoken you; an ancient robot known as The Caretaker. You are tasked with reclaiming the world from a being known only as Fear before he finishes draining the world of life. Solve puzzles, fight, explore and discover what led to the fate of this world and change it's future...Real time enemy encounters.Dynamic interactive environment.Unique story.Upgradable player stats.Unlockable weapons.Puzzles.Dungeons.Adventure! Controller Support.Achievements.Branching story.Karma system.Seven regions.BernardAdditional weapon upgrades.Player Armor.Companion upgrades. 7aa9394dea Title: The Lost GardensGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Early AccessDeveloper:Rabbit Hole StudiosPublisher:Throwback EntertainmentRelease Date: 31 Oct, 2017 The Lost Gardens Ativador Download I know I haven't played for much but this game is truly \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ing amazing. Alpha & Early Access but really nice, good job guys. But one thing to mention tho, the walls; they completely stop me ability from seeing my character and it's kinda annoying.. TLG is a visually creative game with a focus on exploration and puzzles with a hearty amount of combat sprinkled through. It was really fun playing through the first chapter of this game, and I'm looking forward to seeing the progression as future chapters are released. Keep up the good work!. This game is still in early access at the time I am writing this review, overall I enjoyed the first chapter of the game, the mechanics are fun and simple and the enemies\/bosses as well as the environments have interesting designs. I am going to make a list of pros and cons about the game to this point and then elaborate on why.Pros: - Gameplay (movement and combat)- Dialogue\/lore- Textures and design- Collectables\/explorationCons: (keep in mind this is in early access and some of these things might change)- The save system- Difficulty- Gltches and bugs in general (mostly small things and is to be expected in early access)*Spoiler Warning*If you are looking to play this game and don't want any spoilers on the story or anything of the sort stop here and go play the gameFirst of all we have the gameplay, for this I'm including all of the movement\/platforming as well as combat, both of these took some getting used to but are actually very responsive and fun once you get the hang of it. Jumping was quite difficult at first and seemingly impossible at some points until I realised you can sprint and jump to get more distance (kind of obvious in hindsight) and the combat was very odd at first because I felt like trying to fight things with just a meelee weapon was going to get you hit there was no way around it and then once you unlock the gun it became a strategy of when do I want to use my gun\/my energy and when to use my meelee weapon and risk taking some damage. I feel like it is a pretty good balance but getting the gun (as well as other weapons) made the game laughable in terms of difficulty (which I will touch more on in the difficulty section).This one is fairly simple, the dialogue was short but effective, they gave each robot\/thing a personality apart from the main character which from a lore perspective makes sense, from what I can tell you are the care taker, which is the first robot humans made to take care of their every need and desire. As time went on they developped more advanced AI for these robots and then eventually things started to go bad when fear took over. I'm not really sure why fear took over yet but there is still a lot of game to come so I don't expect to know everything the lore has to offer. Also if any of the developers read this I really like the bestiary idea, it would be nice if you could see the enemies hp and how much base damage they deal as well and I also wouldn't be against making the descriptions a little more in depth but that is just my personal preference.As far as textures and the design of characters and the environment goes, I love it the discolored environment really shows how torn apart the world is and you being able to remove the corruption and see the color underneath is lots of fun. All of the characters look good and feel like they fit into the world, the only two things I can see that could use some improvement are that a lot of textures are reused (like the pillars you can jump on) and for one region that is fine but if the other 6 regions\/chapters use a lot of the same textures I can see it getting old really fast, also when you defeat fear of the unknown all the color is restored to the world you just went through and all the enemies are gone, but as far as I can see there is no point to return to the regions you've completed other than finding the rest of the memory logs if you've missed any so I feel like there was a lot of work put into coloring the world for little to no purpose (so far) so that was just something I thought I should point outFinaly, I just have to say the world is a lot bigger than I expected it to be for how linear the story in this region was which I love, I enjoy making it so there is no place left covered by fog on my minimap and having collectables\/consumables to go and find such as the memory logs and health and energy canisters make exploration fun, I would like to point out that there are a lot of areas behind cave entrances and such that have nothing and make the world feel a little empty but from a lore perspective it makes sense that the world is a little bare so I don't really mind it.Ok now we're moving on to the cons, first of all the save system kind of confused me, the way it works is you will find these altars all over the map that you can just walk up to and save your game, now what confused me is that they are littered all over the place and that removes a lot of tension from the game. I never found myself worried about losing progress or being able to make it to the next save point, now if the intent is to give the player the option to save at almost any point in time I'd recommend just putting a save button in the menu, but if the intent was to have players making strategies around when they last saved and when they're next save point will be I recommend removing A LOT of save points from the game.Next up is difficulty, this game started pretty difficult with jumping being a challenge and enemies constantly widdling down your health bar but then you get used to the jumping and you unlock a gun and the game was ridiculously easy, now that is not necessarily a bad thing but it is something to point out, when I started the game the mechanics gave the impression that this game would be fairly difficult but then that illusion faded as you are showered with long range abilities and a bigger health bar. I'd recommend either making the gun shoot slower or cost more energy and making the enemies do a little more damage and I realise some players don't like these things so maybe an idea for the full game would be to give different difficulty options.Finally there were quite a few bugs and glitches (not game breaking at all) just things like when I was resotring color to the world my player character was in a walking animation so he kept walking away while the color was being restored, the easy way to fix this would be to create an animation when the character arrives at the sanctuary so that it looks like he's actually doing something to restore the color to the world and that it isn't just happening because he walked by. and once I had restored color to the world I walked around for a little bit admiring the environments and then it went back to being faded and colorless which was slightly annoying but I am going to try running the game again after I finish this review and see if it's still like that or if the color came back.Final thoughts:I really like this game and will definitely play any\/all of the new content as soon as it's released, keep up the good work and I can't wait to see\/play more of this gameAlso a quick question, it says you plan to increase the price as you add features to the game, will people who have bought the game in early access have to pay more as well or will it just be for those who purchase the game after more content has been released? (I don't mind paying more for a game like this and if I feel the full game is worth it I would gladly put more money into it, so it's more out of curiosity than anything else) also sorry I wrote such a long review I just felt like there were a lot of things to say about the game :). nice little game to play. Easy to catch on to. still an earily asscess worth picking up and a nice game to pass time and fun to play.. I normally only write reviews for completed games but I'm writing a review for this due to the fact that this game feels unfinished. What I mean by this is that the frame rate isn't the best. This game's visuals I thnk look exceptionally nice, however, if the frame rate was upped by like 5 or 10 fps this game would probably run exceedingly smoothly. The other major downside is that there is no native controller support for the game. That makes the entire thing relatively hard to play with keyboard (tank) controls. So until such things are improved I cannot give this a positive rating.
The Lost Gardens Ativador Download
Updated: Mar 25, 2020